Composition of the Committee
The Corporate Governance Committee is a private initiative. Its members are first and foremost selected on the basis of their experience and competence with respect to corporate governance. Moreover, it is looked after the sufficient representativeness of those concerned by good governance in Belgium.

Bart De Smet
Chairman, Ageas

Elke Van Overwaele
Executive Manager Competence centre Law & Business VBO FEB

Benoît Bayenet
Chairman, CRB-CCE
Professor, ULB and ULiège

Harold Boël
CEO, Sofina

Frank Donck
Chairman, Atenor and Barco
Director, KBC Group and Elia System Operator

Sandra Gobert
Executive Director, GUBERNA
Director, Fluxys
Partner, Andersen

Audrey Hanard
Chair, bpost
Director, Proximus

Aminata Kaké
Corporate Secretary & Deputy General Counsel, Syensqo
Director, Belgian association of listed companies
Director, CBC Banque

Hilde Laga
Chair, ING Belgium
Professor, KULeuven
Director, Barco

Jean-Paul Servais
Chairman & Chairman of the Management Committee, Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA)

Benoît van den Hove
CEO, Euronext Brussels
Member of the Managing Board, Euronext

Patrick Van Impe
Chair, IBR-IRE
Managing Partner, HLB Belgium

Patrick Vermeulen
Director, Truncus